8 Tips for a Better Beard

Posted by K. Pitts on Aug 15th 2017

Step 1: Patience

Growing a beard takes patience and is truly a product of self-restraint. It takes self discipline and commitment to resist the urge to trim or style for the first month of growth. Wait to see how your beard grows to feel out what style best suites your unique beard.

Step 2: Identify your goal, but be realistic

After your beard begins to fill out, it is crucial to pick the right beard for your face. Every beard is unique and you must spend time on this step to avoid looking like a homeless ape. If your beard is patchy, or if it has a unique growth pattern (sparse on the cheeks, full on the goatee, for example), then you’ve got to set your expectations properly. This goes for beards big, small, and medium alike.

Step 3: Know when to trim.

Most would agree, bigger IS better when it comes to a lot of things, beards included. But proper trimming is essential to maintain a well-groomed beard. Whether you are growing it long... or keeping it short... or ... just let it grow. Its up to you.

Step 4: Wash Your Beard!

You also want to keep the thing clean. Shampoo works fine, but dedicated beard wash will be gentler on your face. Either way, that skin still needs hydration—a moisturizer will keep it from getting dry and flaky. It is however important to wash it regularly. This not only will keep it smelling good and sanitary, but it will help reduce the beard itch some men complain about.

Step 5: Invest in the Proper Beard Products

You don’t need to spend your entire paycheck on products. However, if you want a great beard, you need to invest into great, all natural Beard Shack products! Start off with beard oil and short bristle brush. When the beard gets longer, look into balms, butter, combs, and heated brushes. 

Step 6: Beard VS Brush

Beard brushes help exfoliate the skin beneath the beard, for starters, which lifts dead skin cells and prevents future flaking. Moreover, brushing your beard at the end of each day will ensure its health and tame-ability in the long haul. This distributes the natural oils produced in the skin, which otherwise collect at the base of the shaft and only nourish the bottom of each hair. This oil distribution prevents breakage, frizzing, and split ends. Wrestle those stubborn hairs to grow in a downward direction and tame those pesky flyways.

Step 7: The Mustache

The mustache is a crucial piece to a full beard and larger mustaches trend in style. You do not however want your mustache to start from inside your nose and run down over your mouth entirely. Use a pair of grooming scissors to neatly snip those away and keep it naturally sculpted with a beard wax.

Step 8: The Diet

It’s pretty safe to assume that most bearded men enjoy food, but not all food offer protein and fats along with vitamins B5, B3 and B9 which will help promote beard growth. But you can also help your beard with supplemental vitamins such as Biotin.